Wouldn't it be nice to have an idea generator for writing that actually brought out great content marketing topics? It's possible - today, we'll walk you through our 3 content frameworks that will change your online writing trajectory.
Let's face it. Every online writer struggles to:
• Generate ideas consistently
• Turn ideas into interesting content
• Get people to actually read their work
That is until they learn these 3 game-changing content-writing frameworks & create their own Endless Writing Idea Generator!
Below, we'll unveil the secret to coming up with incredible content topics on autopilot - without any sort of writing ideas generator technology. It's all in your mind. Let's get into the first one...
Content Framework #1: Your 3 Content Buckets
Before you start generating writing ideas, you need to choose your writing topics.
But instead of trying to "find" your niche, you're going to create your own Content Buckets and use them as your starting point.
Here's how:
Pick 3 subjects you're interested in.
Then, adapt each subject to these 3 different types of audiences:
• General Audience
• Niche Audience
• Industry Audience
Let's do an example.
Say you work as a developer and want to write about productivity.
Your Content Buckets might look like this:
• General: Productivity
• Niche: Productivity for developers
• Industry: SaaS products
You can do this with each of the 3 subjects you picked when we started.
The Content Buckets framework gives you freedom.
It allows you to explore a handful of topics from different angles and perspectives without going too broad or spreading yourself too thin.
As you start publishing (and learning), you can iterate and refine them.
Content Framework #2: Your Endless Idea Generator
Now that you have your first Content Buckets, it's time to generate ideas - without any sort of idea generator for writing, mind you!
A little warning before we dive in: This framework will make you OVERFLOW with ideas. So don't keep reading unless you're okay with that.
For every idea you have, the Endless Writing Idea Generator will help you:
• Identify a good "type" of writing
• Choose the best "proven approaches"
• Add credibility to back up the promise you're making
In 10 mins, you can turn 1 or 2 ideas into 12+ potential pieces of content.
Here's how:
First, use the 4A framework to pick the "type" of piece you want to write:
• Actionable → how
• Aspirational → yes, you can!
• Anthropological → here's why
• Analytical → here are the numbers
For more details on the 4A framework, check this out:
After picking one of the As, choose a proven approach that works well within that category:
• Actionable: How to, Tips, Hacks
• Analytical: Stats, Trends, Reasons
• Anthropological: Fears, Failures, Lies
• Aspirational: Habits, Lessons, Mistakes
Let's do some examples.
Let's keep using the software engineer + productivity example we used before:
Actionable → 10 tips to write great code faster
Analytical → 7 trends developer teams can leverage to be more productive
Aspirational → 5 habits of highly productive software engineers
Anthropological → 3 reasons why dev teams tend to be more productive than designers
Here's a full list of different "proven approaches" you can use to turn your ideas into potential pieces of content:
• Tips
• Lies
• Stats
• Ways
• Tools
• Hacks
• Trends
• Habits
• Quotes
• How To
• Reasons
• Mistakes
• Examples
• Struggles
• Lessons Learned
• Embarrassing Moments
If you've made it this far, congrats!
You should have more ideas that you can write about.
Now, I'll show you the last step:
How to write headlines people can't help but click on.
Let's go.
Content Framework #3: The Curiosity Gap
People won't read your stuff unless you write a compelling headline.
Simple: nobody likes to waste their time.
Unless your headline convinces me your piece is worth my time, I won't read it.
A good headline must answer 3 questions:
• What is this about?
• Who is this for?
• Why should they read it?
It has to be clear, not clever.
It has to tease the reader without giving away the answer.
That's how you create a Curiosity Gap.
Here's an example:
Can you tell what this is about?
Can you tell who is this for?
Do you feel compelled to read it? (If you're a writer interested in SEO, you probably would.)

Now you might be thinking:
"Aren't these type of headlines clickbaity?"
The answer: as long as you're delivering on your promise, no.
The problem is not that you caught people's attention.
The problem is that you cheated on them by not giving them what you promised.
If you want to learn more about headline templates, we have a complete guide covering 25 of our favorite types. It's an excellent resource if you're just beginning to learn how to start writing online.
Turning Your Content Writing Frameworks Into Written Masterpieces
Using the endless writing ideas generator we've discussed above is just step one. Once you have an idea of what you're going to write about and you've come up with a great headline, it's time to bring the rest of your writing framework to life.
This is the part that should come easy - you're a writer, after all!
If you do find that you struggle with focus or writer's block, don't stress. It happens to the best of us. And, we can help. Check out our complete guide on how to overcome writers block. We also encourage you to read our resource on how to be a prolific writer - even if you aren't new to writing.
Wrapping Up Our Discussion on Writing Frameworks & Creating Your Own Writing Ideas Generator
That's it! You now know how to turn your mind into an endless idea generator for writing topics. These three content frameworks will help you build a seemingly boundless list of content ideas.
And now it's time to put this into practice.
Grab some pen and paper, and use these 3 frameworks to:
• Choose your writing topics
• Generate 10-20 content ideas
• Write 5-10 headlines for the best ideas
You can get all of this done in a 1-hour deep work sprint.
Want to learn more about coming up with content ideas on autopilot? We have a related guide discussing how to generate content ideas - up to 112 in under 30 minutes!
Or, if you want to go a bit deeper into the Endless Writing Idea Generator, we explained all 3 writing frameworks in more detail here: