I’ve purchased several online writing courses, joined numerous mailing lists, read hundreds of blog posts and more than 10 books on copywriting all of them yielded no tangible results to my online writing.
But in 1 month of intensive practice, accountability and a ton of zero to 1 concepts, I’ve managed to achieve this:
From this:

To This:

I never thought I would be able to see actual results to writing online.
In fact, I’ve already tried writing every day for 30 days for a few years now, but I ended up abandoning the habit after I’ve finished it.
It felt like a chore.
Ship 30 for 30 is vastly different. I don’t know if it’s the cohort based curriculum, or if it’s because the strategic videos and teachings.
But this is the only writing course that clicked for me.
I’m hooked! I’ve seen an improvement not only in the way I write but also the way I viewed the internet.
Online courses have been tough for me to go thru, If you’re going thru it alone, you’re going to need a lot of self discipline just to be able to jump thru the first hoop, and what’s more, to continue after it.
Ship 30 for 30 is not your typical writing course
Every lesson, every piece of advice is strategic.
Yes, they share tactics with regards to formatting and structure but there are no technicals on grammar and language.
Dickie and Cole teach the whys of things.
Every lesson gets you from zero to 1.
From niching down (which I often hear from influencers but have zero idea how to do) to idea generation (Endless Idea Generator) to breaking down each social media platform (the pros and cons of each).
What you learn in a month can be brought into any field.
When I say any field I mean any field.
People misconstrue writing as a verbal / text medium but really writing is the best way to scale *ideas* that means even if you’re a visual person (i.e. a designer) writing can greatly benefit you.
The more you write, the more you write.
Ship 30 for 30 is like HIIT for your mind. You are immersed into high intensity training from day 1! You come in a lump of clay who has no idea what to write about and you come out a writer who has nothing but ideas to share.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the course changed my life.
You’ll get value even if you’re in the other side of the world
I live in the Philippines.
So most of the live sessions are commence at while I’m sleeping.
Don’t worry about not being able to join in for the Live Session, I have joined zero but have been diligent in viewing the live replays and engaging with the community and am proud to say that despite missing out on the live portion of the cohort, I’ve made great friends and gotten great value from it.
All you need is 30 minutes every day
With the frameworks provided, you don’t need to allot a lot of time. (of course if you wanna get more out of it, you’ll give it the time it deserves)
But as a dad of 2, and testing positive for covid, I was surprised that I managed to deliver 30 essays in 30 days.
It’s simple but it was never easy.
15 minutes for an essay and another 10 to 15 minutes for engagement is all you need.
The course is aimed for people who have zero experience in writing
I’ve never written anything compelling online, until S30for30. I was a serial reactor — I retweeted and liked a lot of tweets but had zero engagement. I was an invisible consumer.
Ship 30 for 30 taught me to give richer comments and make friends on the internet.
If you aspire to be:
- Better at social media,
- Think clearly,
- Find something to say.
- Be a better citizen of the internet...
Then this course is for you.
Never in my wildest dreams did I even think I would write a review this good.
PS. Ship 30 for 30 is not a magic pill. You’re going to have to do real work. but don’t worry, the cohort-style makes it seem like play. It’s fun, it’s addicting and after this you’re going to want to keep writing.
If Radrad's story resonated with you, click here to hop aboard Ship 30.